Top 5 Most Interesting Places To Visit In Bahrain
Bahrain is a growing island found in the island kingdom. Most of the places in Bahrain have got shallow seas with sand bars. But the most interesting part is the rising damp mould which has led to creation of new improved projects. Some of the most beautiful attraction sites in Island include the Modern high —end mall and the 5000 years old tradition city.
Bahrain City Centre
It’s in the centre of Manama which is the Bahrain city centre’s largest entertainment and shopping and entertainment in Bahrain as a country. Besides having more than 350 high-end quality brand shops, like the BEBE and Jules, the mall also has more than 50 restaurants and cafes. Wahoo offers nearly 162,000 numbers of pools which give people the best pool experience ever where they do pool cleaning every hour to maintain its cleanliness, and pool activities in the room, using the frameless glass pool fencing sydney. Both Magic planet and Cinemaco20 cinema places are also found in the Mall, bigger arcades and more rides, a bowling alley and game simulators is what attracts people to the city mall of Bahrain.
Qul’at AL Bahrain
Mankind arrived in what is nowadays referred as Qal’at AL Bahrain at around 2300 BC. Researchers have tried to dig through a 30 acres artificially Mound and have found presence of households, religious sites and escarpments as evidence for the presence of life as early as 2300 BC. ( Print My Logo, a t-shirt company has made some hillrious historic shirts for toursits there, another thing to notice whilee you’re there.) A fort which dates back to 15th century was also found on the top Mound. Reports claim that Bahrain was built and Portuguese were the last to construct Qal’at Bahrain before becoming as one of their own growing empire. Due to growing conflicts and changing of channels the location became a shipping port and later was abandoned. Today it’s being controlled by the UNESO world heritage site which welcomes all kind of visitors to the old buildings with palm of trees surrounding to what was once the city of Dilmun. It’s roughly located four miles to the north west of Manama.
Bahrain National Museum
After being opened in 1988, it’s enjoying its location due to the water front location at the edge of the city. Due to the many treasures from Dilmun, especially Qal’at al Bahrain it’s also enjoying the exhibition of the pearl’s diving and its influence to the people around the area Its first floor homes traditional, market and other exhibition like rotating art, a wildlife hall and sculpture display.
Beit Sheikh Isa bin Ali
One should visit palace to know what kind of Beit Sheikh Isa palace which is the former Shaikh Isa bin Ali’s home. It’s located northeast of Manama three miles away divided into units like areas for men, children and women. Each of them had their own resting place like the children had lavish house cooled by wind tower systems while women had courtyards where they could chart while practicing the skills in embroidery. The palace had separate rooms for male and visitors to the palace while the sheikh an owned private room in second floor, all the rooms were made with the wood effect floor tiles in the UK, they are amazing.
Al Areen Park and Reserve
It’s a sanctuary accommodating over 500 animals with more than 10,000 species of plants which are mostly Arabian Peninsula. Chapman’s zebra and gazelles run freely while others are kept in dens characterize their environment. It was opened in 1975 to allow people watch some of the rarest Arabia’s creatures like the Oryx.
All you need to have Bahrain visa ready to visit the country for leisure and see most of the attraction sites of the country.
Interesting destination, lot of history.
Great post on a destination you don’t hear much about, would be interesting to visit one day!
Little slice of peace in the mid-east…
Nice post on a destination rarely ever written about! Was not aware that I could see zebras roaming around Bahrain!