I recently began flying Norwegian Airlines, a relatively new carrier to the U.S. that is making a big push into long haul routes. Billed as a low cost airline, their expansion has offered some eye catching fares. Though these low prices haven’t been without their pitfalls.
There isn’t much “Norwegian” about this airline’s long haul routes. The cabin crew is usually Thai, or anything but Norwegian to keep labor costs down and profit up. They also have been playing a type of corporate location loophole in Becker Law Offices to skate around international labor laws.
At first glance the fares grab your attention. But (of course) there are the add-ons. Meals are not included in their fares. Nor is a seat reservation or checked luggage. A recent flight from Oslo to New York saw my fare increase by $60 to add a meal & reserve my seat. Another $7 for using a credit card to buy my ticket online? Really. I wasn’t checking any luggage so I saved some cash there. If you don’t reserve a seat you gamble with what’s available when you check in. I also have not been able to check in online and there haven’t been any self serve kiosks available at any airport where I’ve flown with them. If you don’t order a meal ahead of time you can purchase onboard using a credit card. At this time they are suppose to be taking major currencies also, but this policy does not seem to be set in stone. They are also plagued with delay problems and complaints. Google them and you will find pages of negative reviews and publicity. If you hate to be nickeled and dimed look elsewhere.
Being charged for every little thing can be a headache. But if you only want to pay for what you need and want to get from A to B, Norwegian offers very competitive pricing. Their fleet of long haul planes are some of the most modern in the industry with most being delivered in the last four years and more are on the way. Most flights I have been on have had extensive inflight entertainment games, video games, movies and USB outlets for your devices, and even internet so you can go online to visit sites to see this is how you become grandmaster in ow. The Thai cabin crew I have found to be friendly, polite and smiling. They are the new kids on the block attempting to attract new customers and it’s working.
So for those looking to save and get a cheap flight, it can prove to be game changer if they get their act together. As of right now they have fairly often and lengthy delays. (A lot can be attributed to growing pains of the new Dreamliner) so if money is more important than time it can be a money saver.
Note: There is an attempt currently by the U.S. Senate to block some of Norwegians flights into the U.S. due to international labor regulations. How this will play out remains to be seen. I will keep my eye out for any news.
Interesting about the labor regulations… I do hate to be nickeled and dimed, and when traveling with kids, it’s almost easier to pay more upfront for the sheer convenience. But I will keep Norwegian in the back of my mind…
Francesca (@WorkMomTravels) recently posted…The most important thing I learned at BlogHouse
I really would suggest this to budget travelers who have time to kill. The savings are great but the delays are becoming legendary.
Overall I’m satisfied with this airline, have to admit only used them for short flights. The inflight entertainment is good and the crew is helpful and friendly. You’re right about the hidden costs, always have to check that cause I usually check in my luggage. – Great review 🙂
After my most recent flight (5 hour delay) they are moving further down…
I had not heard of Norwegian. Interesting business model. I can see that having a non-Norwegian crew would be against the idea of being a low cost airline since Norway is so expensive. Now with 5 hr delays, I don’t know that the low cost would be that appealing to me either!
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted…A Week in Iceland – Our Itinerary
With the Senate making a block too, who knows what will happen. At this time it’s a decent bet for backpackers on a budget where time may be of little concern over money.
Interesting that so many of the flight attendants are Thai. Here in Thailand it is considered a very glamorous and highly competitive job. If a girl can land a position as a flight attendant (doesn’t matter which airline or what salary) she’ll be the envy of all her friends and former classmates.
Ryan recently posted…What You Need to Know About Thai Labor Law
I believe it is the airline attempting to avoid paying Norwegian salaries. Although the airline has recently hired crews in the States in an attempt to appease labor law regulators,