I was visiting the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago with my brother and nephew when we came across this frisky pair of turtles. Lucky for me I didn’t get the “what are they doing” question from my young nephew! I thought this would give everyone a laugh and give the whole “pic of the week” a casual Friday vibe. Nevertheless, this zoo has so much to offer and it is FREE! Yes, how many awesome places in the city to see are free? If you are in Chicago put the Zoo on your list.
You’re lucky your nephew didn’t ask. Lol
I would’ve said “their wrestling apparently” lol.
Oh, Karl… lol. A good laugh for a Friday, for sure.
Francesca (@WorkMomTravels) recently posted…Zip lining with Lake Geneva Canopy Tours and Outdoor Adventure Center
Lol, been saving that one
This is fantastic. Just curious…and a little off color no doubt but…come on, wasn’t everyone wondering the “pace” of such frisky play LOL. I mean, with how slow turtles are, how exciting can this really be 🙂 & yes…thankfully no questions from your nephew–what a way to introduce the birds and the bees :). On a serious note–how fantastic admission to the zoo is free! Such a rarity to find a great “family” attraction at zero cost!!
It is a large zoo too. I was so surprised when my brother told me it was free. I hadn’t been to a zoo in years and had a great time.
Only if you guarantee a sex show like that! lol
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted…Travel Inspiring Reads – Conquering the Fear of Flying with “Ask the Pilot”
Well, I can really see that Lincoln Park is a fun place to visit and maybe the kids will be really be curious looking at that. But I’m sure they’ll enjoy the rest of the park. Thanks for sharing!