I had booked a hotel in the historic area of Istanbul with a rooftop terrace. After checking in late at night, I was anxious to head up and see the view. After a few minutes of admiring the lights of the harbor entrance I turned around to a stunning view of the Blue Mosque. Sultan Ahmed Mosque is the official name, built in the early 1600’s, it is one of Istanbul’s most visited attractions and still used today as a place of worship.
Beautiful shot ! Definitely a must see when in Istanbul 🙂
Thanks- I was surprised how good it came out
This is a great photo!!!! Can only imagine how you felt standing there while taking it. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks 🙂
Great picture of the Blue Mosque at night! I didn’t take any night pix back when I went in the late 1990s. Now I need to go back and do it! (Any excuse will do…)
Raul (@ilivetotravel) recently posted…Photo of the Week: Dreamy Delights in Paris
Go for it! Istanbul was right up there with Prague and Budapest for being so photogenic at night. Even with my basic camera I was able to collect some great images during the night.
Hey nice pic & excellent choice on the hotel! Haha i know where i will stay next time 😉
You know it, was a great view from every angle on that roof!
I tried getting nighttime shots of Blue Mosque but had no luck. Looks like it worked out for you, though 🙂
Francesca (@WorkMomTravels) recently posted…Options for educating Chicago kids to be global citizens
I was using a Canon PowerShot and had it in auto mode. Lucky for me the camera did all the work 😉