I am trying to cut the cost of doing laundry while traveling by writing about various laundromats that I have found on my trips. It always seems to me the one cost of travel that is often overlooked. Hotel laundry service is very expensive so I look for a good old fashion self serve or drop-off places that are modestly priced and sometimes these places are not always easy to find.
The Happy Inn Laundromat, Warmoesstraat Centrum 30 in Amsterdam is a small self serve laundromat centrally located in De Wallen area. It is €4.20 for a large capacity washer. A dry will run anywhere from €2-4 depending on the type of clothes. There are vending machines that dispense various types of soaps but everything is coin operated and there is no change machine and no staff at hand so bring a pocketful of coins.
It is owned by a couple that you see come by in from time to time and they are both very friendly. They are open 7 days a week from 8-10. The good thing about its central location is that it’s a fun area to walk around while you are waiting for your clothes to finish. Plenty of cafes, shops and small restaurants to patronize if you don’t want to sit and wait while your clothes dry. It can be a popular spot for backpackers and locals alike. I have found it best to visit between breakfast and lunchtime.
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Good to know, great tip ! : )
Like my clean clothes 🙂
Haha you finally uploaded this! What about Istanbul? Flying to Tenerife, sitting again on the emergency exit row! So lucky 🙂 have safe trip!
Lol, nice! I got exit row today – Zurich to Budapest. Hope Spain is well 🙂
How’s Budapest? I’m sitting at a cafeteria next to he beach in Tenerife 🙂 so nice!!
Beautiful , but today it’s very cold and snowing! Not good for city viewing lol
Looks a lot like the self-laundry place I used to use when I lived in Paris. I wonder if it is still there on Rue de l’Arc de Triomphe (a back street parallel to Carnot and McMahon, close to the Arc de Triomphe)..
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Google probably knows! Lol. Unlike a laundromat in the states I’ve found laundromats while traveling can be an easy way to meet other travelers in large cities.
Many thanks for the tip! On my way to do the laundry. Hotel prices are simply insane!
I know, the hotel costs are ridiculous. I was just at the laundramat last month & chatted with Hank the owner. Very nice guy. Enjoy Amsterdam!
Went there today and it was great. Thanks for the tip!
Awesome! Glad to be of service 👍