We all know the advantages of packing light. Less to carry, less to check in. The only disadvantage on longer trips is that you will need to do laundry more often. Many places we travel to lack laundromats and sometimes the costs of hotel laundry services is just ridiculous. Two pairs of jean, a few t-shirts and some socks can run you $50. Sometimes you can’t afford it or simply want to spend that money on something else. You other option? Hand wash.
Travelon Laundry Soap Sheets are a convenient option. A small sheet of laundry soap that simply dissolves in water. If you are not familiar with hand washing, just plug a sink or tub and fill with water. Throw in the desired number of soap sheets and your clothes then let soak for about an hour. Just be sure your hands are totally dry before taking a soap sheet out. Put in your elbow grease and do your best impression of a “wash cycle”, rinse and hang dry. It’s not fun work but if you are stretching your cash, the hand wash savings can add up.
I’ve found that you want to use 2 sheets for every pair of jeans or long sleeves and 1 sheet per smaller clothing item. The soap works as well as you do. The scent is pleasant and mild and you’re not hauling heavy or space consuming powders or liquids. It is also approved for carry on, so no TSA hassles.
The 50 sheets come in a small pocket dispenser that is not much bigger than a matchbook. I purchased the pack for $5, a bargain for how many washes you get. So if you are a light packer minimalist and would rather spend your hard earned cash on other things besides laundry and you are willing to roll up your sleeves, Travelon Sheets are the way to go.
It’s perfect, small and cheap. Too bad I can’t get anything like it here.
No fun to hand wash but worth the savings.
That’s clever. I had not heard of these. In the OLD days, I carried a small bottle of Woolite because that was the only small bottle of any liquid detergent (I am talking like 20yrs ago! I could find. I agree that hand-washing is WAY cheaper and practical as long as you are long enough in one place for the stuff to dry overnight!
If I’m lucking the room has a cast iron radiator & makes for a quick dry. They are def handy. Light, cheap & fits in the palm of your hand. Great 3oz rule alternative to liquids