I am a waterfall buff. Be it a few hundred feet and thousands of gallons a minute or a few feet and just a trickle. As loud as a roar or just babbling. There is something about the sights and sounds of waterfalls. Your eyes marvel at mother natures spigot, your ears hear the water and everything else just gets tuned out. Like a work of art, it is simply beautiful in many shapes and forms.
So when I knew I would be spending a couple days hiking up in Vermont, I quickly took to Google to get a waterfall scouting report. I found information on many, but as far southern Vermont goes, Hamilton Falls in Jamaica Park seemed to be a stand out. Finding it can be a bit of a challenge. If you punch in Hamilton Falls Vermont into Google Navigation it will get you very close. I’ll let you follow you own GPS, but when your on W Windham Rd and your GPS tells you to go right onto Town Hwy 22, believe the hand painted sign nailed to the tree at the fork that says “No Falls, your GPS is wrong” and stay on W Windham.
Follow W Windham for about a quarter mile until the road ends. Make a right hand turn and after a few hundred yards you will see a spot to pullover and park on the right hand side that is not only large enough to fit 2 or 3 cars. Walk across the road towards the woods and there is a slightly worn path. Follow that for about a 150 feet and you are there!
Heed this warning! The currents at the upper pool can be evil. If it’s hot and you want to take a dip, walk down to the bottom of the falls to cool off.
Here the falls begin to funnel
Trying to film the falls. A nice viewpoint
These are awesome shots !! Beautiful place.
Thank you much
Beautiful!!!! Also looks suitably dangerous for you.
Haha, well besides hanging off the rock for photos I played it fairly safe and hit the water below.
So many things I like about this post! First–I too love waterfalls and can totally relate to them tuning everything else out. I have gone on tons of hikes in Vermont–there are beautiful gorges, off-the-beaten-path trails and so many gorgeous things you will stumble upon along the way…waterfalls being one of them! So awesome!!! I also LOVE the wooden sign you mentioned, nailed to the tree. That is so Vermont–when technology (in this case your GPS) fails you, a nature-enthusiast who is usually kind and willing to lend a helping hand is there to answer questions–this sign is a great example of that! Vermont certainly pulls on my heart-strings and seeing this waterfall may have to be added to a trip up North in my future!
Thanks. I totally agree with the Vermont “mannerisms”. It is for sure one to put on your travel list. Once you are there, you know it was worth it!
Really cool. I wish I could explore the outdoors more! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you. This is a must see if you make your way up north before the snow season. May be nice to see then too.