I don’t have an Instagram account. I don’t have any problems with sharing pictures. In fact I love sharing pictures , I just have other ways to do it . What I don’t like is all the effects { not just Instagram }. To be in the right time and the right place to catch the sun reflecting off a waterfall is amazing . To then hit “effects” or “auto-enhance” is to alter something beautiful . The same can be said and it has been said, about models in Playboy Magazine .
Yes ok, you are not getting in this magazine unless you are beautiful , but all the photoshopping and/or airbrushing leaves me cold .
Much the same as a landscape photo that has been “enhanced” is just not real to me .
Congratulations , you just hit a button and destroyed the soul of your photograph. Sure it might make good stock photos but not art.
It may look a bit better with a deeper orange or more shadowed black , but it is not what your eyes or your camera saw, therefore I don’t believe it’s what you really want to show your viewers. Most of these effects are the equivalent to cheap makeup bought at a wally world and throwing it on “pancake” style . It looks cheap and worse off than before . I can understand eliminating red-eye, because this is not actually how the persons eyes look .
Taking photos of your travels and then enhancing them with effects is just a misrepresentation of you own collective works .
Alas , to each his own . I’m sure it is fun to view pictures in different enhancement modes , but in the end you know what you saw and it’s not the picture that sits in front of you.
Just keeping it light . I prefer unfiltered beer too ….
Update 12-19-12 : note that Instagram now says they have the right to sell your photos.
Keep it real
I totally agree – I don’t get all these effects and stuff. I try them every now and then to see if I will get the thrill of it but I end up not liking most of them. I like the unadulterated reality of the sights I see. Have you seen the Instagram spoof video? It is hilarious. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6853117/look-at-this-instagram-nickelback-parody
Just watched it, that was hilarious.
I suppose I understand its place, I just really don’t like it used in travel pics,, when the photograph is usually supposed to be a representation of what you actually see.