I have many friends who ask me about upcoming trips that I may have. The response is usually something along the lines of ” Cool, I wish I could afford to do that “. The thing is they can. They just opted for something else . I myself work a full-time job , actually 55-70 hours per week and much like my friends, I am of middle class means.
Here is where the difference begins. I do own a house , TV, motorcycle, truck , gym membership and most other things someone of my age and income would have. Although, I have not gone beyond my means. I have never carried a balance on my credit card, I eat home mostly and avoid buying anything to keep up with anyone. I wouldn’t say its being cheap, maybe frugal, but in the end I have enough to go and see places I want to see. My TV is good enough, I’m going to skip buying the LED, my PC is good enough, it works. Although I have never made the plunge to toss it all and go on the road indefinitely ….yet. I have been able to take time off and see the world by not buying into all the junk that is thrown at me on the web, tv, newspaper or magazine.
So I wouldn’t say certain people can’t afford it. It’s just a matter of what is really more important to an individual. The big house with 1,000 more square feet than you need? A new car every few years? Things we want but do not need.
So for the majority of Americans, maybe the American dream is no longer a little house with a picket fence, but a huge house with a 3 car garage. Come to think of it , when I look at my friends houses, I am thinking “I wish I could afford it” , but in the end I probably could, I just know what is more important to me. Material things don’t bring true happiness and a house might be a good investment but traveling is an investment in yourself, specially if you use flight discount codes. One that will not change with market turmoil. It will bring experience and cultural education , something that cannot be replaced by watching any documentary on the Travel Chanel. These days with Voucher codes for Expedia and other similar promotions it can actually be affordable.
Excellent thoughts and all true. 🙂
“It’s just a matter of what is really more important to an individual.” My thoughts exactly! I don’t need the newest car or phone, the ones I have are new enough and work well. I think in plane ticket prices… 🙂 A comfortable place in the city, close to the airport via public transportation, and enough means to support my travel habit is my idea of a ‘dream’ life. To each their own… Nice post!
Nicely written. I’m on the way to much more travel making similar choices.