There are a lot of advantages to traveling with a spouse, friends or a group. There is always someone to talk too , especially when you are in a foreign country and don’t speak the language . Someone to take pictures with, someone to dine with someone to just share the whole experience . But what are the pros of traveling alone ?
If you have ever taken solo trips your friends or coworkers may look at you like you are strange.
“Why would you want to go solo” ?
Well maybe you don’t have a choice. Maybe you are the only person you know who wants to go see your particular destination, or stay in hostels to save money to see more countries . Whatever your reason for going solo , you have made the choice and are wondering if you by yourself has an advantage.
You will still do the usual details of booking your flights , train, hotels or play it by ear and go day by day. Your on your own , it’s your choice. I tend to think that traveling by yourself may “force” you into more awkward social situations than you are comfortable with and that is a good thing. Put yourself out there and meet new people . Over the last five years I have meet more strangers across Europe in bars and restaurants than I meet when I am at home . Why? You are at a different comfort level . Put down your iPhone a bit , stop texting and engage in some non-social media for a while . Clink a beer stein with someone you don’t know in Germany. Enjoy the company of others . You may be surprised that you can communicate better than you think with people of a different language . You are in there country and you want to be. Most people recognize this and are happy to talk about their country or city . To tell you some history , what to see and where to eat or drink. Be respectful and open minded along your trek and you most likely will find friendly people everywhere you go . Smile…… a lot.
Josh here from the BlinkPack blog. Just wanted to say that I am enjoying your blog and looking forward to following it. I love to travel, but have some serious time and budget restrictions — this is how I found your blog and why I write mine. Traveling solo is a mixed bag for me — so freeing and so lonely all at once. Because of my life situation, I mostly have to travel alone, but I try bring a balance to that by traveling with my family and my friends as well. A good mix keeps me happy. Cheers!
Free & lonely , I agree mate. Thanks for commenting , cheers.
Captain – I agree wholeheartedly. I travel solo more than I’d like – sometimes it would be fun to travel with someone as you say to share the experience with someone or when going to semi-questionable destinations it is good to have someone who has your back and vice-versa. However, traveling solo can be neat as you get to drive your own bus, so to speak. I wish I were a little more extroverted when I find myself, say, at a bar or pub. Putting down the darn smartphone is very wise advice!
I usually travel with hubby, but I’ve gone solo too – near and far. It can get lonely of course, but you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned meeting new people. It certainly happens to me a lot on the road, and people are generally curious to hear your story or share recommendations.
As far as the decision to travel solo, some people love to question that. And if you’re a woman, oh man, don’t get me started on the comments… 😉
Traveling solo is an experience in itself for sure.
“Put down your iPhone a bit , stop texting and engage in some non-social media for a while .”…… More people need to do this at home as well as overseas.
I agree, I am guilty of this when I am at home at times myself. It is a social crutch or shield. Sometimes social media is not so social
i enjoy traveling alone because then it pushes you to get out there and make new friends. one of my favorite things about traveling! friendship & fun times make the best keepsakes from traveling, in my opinion 🙂
Thanks for the comment Lola , unfortunately I am going to miss you and Leah in Praha by 6 days…Karl